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Diluted Benzoin Essential Oil

Diluted Benzoin Essential Oil

Regular price €4,88 EUR
Regular price Sale price €4,88 EUR
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Latin name: Styrax Benzoin

Part of the plant used: resin

Source: Philippines

Extraction method: solvent extraction

Therapeutic properties Benzoin oil's properties include: anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic and astringent. It is calming, warm and stimulating.

Benzoin essential oil has been used since ancient times as incense, but also as a medicine . Today it is still mainly used in the perfumery and incense industries and in the fragrances of some well-known brands around the world.

Benzoin has many uses including: cuts, cracked and irritable skin. It is also said to be useful with respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis and cough. Benzoin can also be useful in combating problems related to stress and flu.

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